Awards |
Unique technologies
built into the NOD32 Antivirus System result in unprecedented
virus detection and the world's fastest scanning speeds.
Some of the international awards earned by NOD32 are presented below . . . . .
Virus Bulletin is regarded as the world's "best and fairest" independent
antivirus program tester. Due to the high professional recognition of this prestigious
international testing authority on computer virus prevention, detection, and removal,
its VB100 Awards are of special significance in the virus world.
NOD32 has earned the coveted VB100 Award 17 times (more than any
other antivirus program in the world) since May 1988 . . . including four unrivalled
"clean sweeps" of every virus in every category !!!
"NOD32 has gone from strength to strength. All files in all sets
were detected. With speed tests as well as detection results being favourable,
there is little to add but congratulations."
( Virus Bulletin, April 2001 )
"With no misses and an excellent overall scanning speed, there
is little in the way of comment to make which is not blatantly obvious to even
the most myopic observer."
( Virus Bulletin, February 2001 )
April 2002 --- NOD32 trashed in
CNet / ZDNet review
In his CNet / ZDNet review, Ken Feinstein, a part-time amateur antivirus
tester with no credentials whatsoever in the antivirus industry, used a handful
of Rosenthal Utilities simulated viruses to rate NOD32 much lower in virus
detection than any other reviewer has ever rated it !!!
This is the most unprofessional and unbelievable "test"
of NOD32 we've ever seen !!!
Read all about it here |
ICSA - April 2002
Eset joins the Antivirus Product Developer's Consortium (AVPD)
NOD32 receives ICSA Certification . . . with 100%
"In The Wild" virus detection!
Editor's pick - SoftLandMark - April 2002
"The world leader in virus detection, with the antivirus industry's highest number
of Virus Bulletin Awards! NOD32 puts you on the cutting edge of antivirus technology
- and keeps you there!"
Virus Bulletin - February 2002
NOD32 has not missed a single "In The Wild" virus since
Virus Bulletin's first test in May 1998 !!!
NOD32 is so far ahead of the pack in virus detection that
ordinary scanners will never catch up !!!
About.com Antivirus guru Mary Landesman chooses NOD32 for her son's PC
- January 2002
"Because my son's computer is a few years older (according to him, an antique),
I wanted as small an impact from the antivirus software as possible. I also wanted
him to have good, solid protection. Nod32 has the smallest footprint, meaning
that their software would not interfere with my son's extensive gaming resources.
The default choices installed Nod32 with realtime protection enabled, right-click
scanning, and automatic updates of his virus signature files."
PC911 - January 2002
"Overall, NOD32 is a first-rate antivirus program that offers several levels
of superior protection combined with ease-of-use. That makes it a winner in my
( Alex Byron, Editor-in-Chief, PC911 )
NOD32 again rated #1 - Milenio Tecnologia - January
"According to the tests that I have made with different products,
having reviewed the independent certifications of serious comparative commercial
criteria and mentioning those from HISPASEC, SECUSYS, VIRUSPROT and VSANTIVIRUS,
I recommend the Nod32 Antivirus System, Kaspersky Antivirus Scanner (AVP) and
Antivirus Command with F-Prot Professional, in that order." |
- Australian PC User - December 2001
"NOD32, more than any other program, is simply a must-have !!!"
"In PC User's most recent antivirus tests, only one program provided 100% protection
against all viruses in a very large test set --- NOD32. NOD32 also has effective
heuristics to protect against unknown viruses, and the company is really on the
ball with updates. The penalty for thorough scanning
is normally a longer scan time, but NOD32 was the fastest as well as the most
"Is it any wonder we awarded NOD32 as PC User's
Best Antivirus Program of 2001 ?"
Virus Bulletin - November 2001
. . .
Eset's NOD32 Antivirus System continues to dominate the antivirus
world! NOD32 set new detection and speed standards by completing all November
tests in just 135 seconds, once again maintaining its unequalled and unbroken
record of 100% "In The Wild" virus detection!
Virus Bulletin - September 2001
September's test confirms NOD32's place at the top
of the 100% Award winners list!
Analysts noted not only NOD32's detection performance but also
the program's overwhelming speed of execution. Based on the results, NOD32 had
an Executable File Throughput rate in excess of 5 million B/s, the next best was
measured at 2 million B/s, and most of the other competing programs staggered
along at less than 800,000 B/s. (As an example, NAI McAfee NetShield tested at
around 7 times slower while missing 9 viruses and failing to win a 100% award.)
July 2001
Virus Bulletin - July 2001
NOD32 once again detected a genuine 100% of all viruses
in all categories ... it's fourth consecutive "clean sweep". It took NOD32 only
52 seconds to scan all the test executable files ... with 100% virus detection
... while other products with lesser detection figures needed anything up to 45
minutes to complete the same scan!
Since its first inclusion in Virus Bulletin testing in May 1998,
NOD32 has not missed one single "In The Wild" virus! No other antivirus program
even comes close to NOD32 in either virus detection or scanning speed ... and
that's a fact!
Australian PC User - May 2001
NOD32 scores yet another 100% "clean sweep" . . .
rated "Best Buy" by Australia PC User's Technical Editor, Jan Wikström.
"Easy to install and use, Eset NOD32 comes with fairly strong
default protection, yet has the shortest scan time. I found the interface for
selecting individual folders to scan a little clumsier than necessary, but the
scan when you hover the cursor over a file in Explorer (or select a folder by
right-clicking) makes up for that. E-mail protection is complete, scanning incoming
and outgoing mail. There was also automatic scanning when opening attachments.
The Help file contains all necessary instructions, and it's context-sensitive.
There's also a downloadable installation instruction."
"NOD32 scored 100% on all the VB tests and got the 100%
award with no quibbles. It also got praise for excellent speed."
Claymania - May 2001
"... Eset's NOD32 scanner is one of the best performing
in terms of speed and detection rates. It consistently does well in independent
testing including a better record in VB100% tests than any other product."
"NOD32 is excellent for home or business use." (Andrew
J Lee - AVIEN)
Virus Bulletin- April 2001
Several of the 19 antivirus programs taking part in Virus
Bulletin's April 2001 test comparison earned the "VB100% Award", but only
NOD32 detected 100% of all infected samples across all the test sets in both On-Demand
and On-Access tests!
Virus Bulletin's Mathew Ham commented: "NOD32 has gone
from strength to strength. All files in all sets were detected. With speed tests
as well as detection results being favourable, there is little to add but congratulations."
WILDERS - March 2001
The security advisors at wilders.org selected NOD32 as Best
Choicein a test comparison against AVX 2000 Professional, Panda Antivirus Platinum,
Command Antivirus, Kaspersky Antivirus Gold (AVP), F-Secure Antivirus, McAfee
Antivirus, and PC-Cillin 2000.
Virus Bulletin - February 2001
NOD32 was the only product (17 products were tested) that
detected 100% of all infected samples across all the test sets in both On-Demand
and On-Access tests ... and did it without a single false positive alarm! NOD32
also recorded the fastest hard disk scanning rate.
Best Detection + Best Speed = Best Performance!
Computing Which? - November 2000
UK Consumers' Association WHICH? selected NOD32 as the Best Buy antivirus product.
Virus Bulletin - November 2000
You're probably wondering why NOD32 . . . the only antivirus
program which detected 100% of all infected samples in all categories in the November
2000 Virus Bulletin test comparison . . . failed to win the VB 100% Award . .
. and why Norton Antivirus, which missed a whopping 299 viruses, and VET, which
missed over twice as many (781) viruses, did win this award.
The answer is simple ... one false positive virus identification
is all it takes to be disqualified.
You might think 100% detection and one false positive should have
given NOD32 a much higher rating than programs which missed 299 and 781 viruses
and had no false positives , but the bottom line is that everyone has to play
by the same rules.
We'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not Norton
and VET "beat" NOD32 in the November 2001 VB100 test!

Anne Saita
Security Editor
TelekomNet - September 2000
"Since January 1998, Joe Wells' Wildlist Organization International
has tested various vendors' wares and released results in the Virus Bulletin.
The Virus Bulletin 100% Awards are given to those products that best detect viruses
on the most recent Wild List, which outlines known viruses out in the wild (as
opposed to being caught in the lab)."
"Eset NOD32 has earned a VB 100% award
every time it has been submitted for testing . . . it is ranked first overall."
Virus Bulletin - September 2000
"Of all the test-sets scanned, NOD32 missed only one sample in the Standard
set, a feat difficult to improve upon and unique to this review. Coupled with
good scanning speed and no false positives, this is a gratifying result."
Virus Bulletin - July 2000
"NOD32 does, to its credit, remain one of the more interestingly styled products
on offer, as well as one of the least amenable for witty comments at its expense.
It has an excellent rate of scanning combined with accuracy, an enviable position
to be in."
Virus Bulletin - April 2000
"NOD32 maintains its record of receiving the VB 100% in each test to which
the product has been submitted."
Virus Bulletin - February 2000
"NOD delivers the greatest throughputs during scanning."
Virus Bulletin - November 1999
"NOD32 exhibited extremely impressive scanning speed, blitzing some of the
other products with its scan rates well in excess of 2500kB/sec."
Virus Bulletin - September 1999
"An antivirus product in the strictest sense of the term. ...
NOD does what it claims, extremely well."
Virus Bulletin - May 1999
"Aside from detecting all the In the Wild file and boot sector viruses, NOD32
had the highest overall detection rates."
COFAX - April 1999
NOD32 earned the "Most Technologically Advanced Software Product" award
at the International Computer Fair COFAX 1999
Virus Bulletin - March 1999
"NOD has continued to impress ... detected more samples across all the test-sets
than any other (antivirus product)"
Virus Bulletin - January 1999
"It is almost a truism in the antivirus field that you have speed or good detection.
However, NOD32 is one of the products that bucks that idea, effectively coupling
the two."
Virus Bulletin - November 1998
"Detection remains at an impressive level."
Virus Bulletin - September 1998
"The review process was a pleasant overall; the interface being simple to control
and effective. ... Detection, too, was definitely more respectable than many new
implementations have managed."
Virus Bulletin - May 1998
"Detection has been boosted to VB 100% levels in the In the Wild test-set and
were tantalizingly close to a clean sweep."
